Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Life After Work....

Buzz... goes my alarm it's 7:30 and I need to get up for work. Oh, wait no I don't. I no longer have a job. For 10yrs I got up everyday, got ready for work, got my Tim Horton's and drove the 2.2km to work! Yes, I could have walked and at times I did! After 10 yrs at the same company my job was gone...my department closed. It was was something I had dreamed of..yes that's right. I wasn't happy with the company I worked for  although for most of the 10 years I liked my job. The pay was an other story...It wasn't a real suprise the writing had been on the wall for a couple of years. After letting go of my boss they never really properly replaced him. The work load changed and it became clear as I  watched co-workers in other cities lose their job like mine. I was going to hold out for a  package and then I would be gone. Well, that was last July.

The timing was great my youngest daughter was off school for the summer holidays. I had been at stay at home home when my older children were young. I had always wished I could be home with  Paige, but oligations just didn't allow that. I had a decent job with decent (not great pay) pay and flexibily with time off, sick days and 4 weeks vacation. Hey this job sounds great..lol I don't have formal education so I never really thought about leaving on my own. I knew I would need this push.....
Everyone was so happy for me , I got what I wanted ....out! The first few weeks were like vacation it was great. Paige and I did everything we could.  Then back to school came...I was happy I could drive and pick her up from school myself. I was able to go to school and meet  parents I had only heard about from  Paige or my husband. I was the "new mom on the playground". I enjoy that I can go on trips (there hasn't been any...lol ) and I joined a committee for  teaching the rosary to the kids in our school. Although I am only  a back up person it's cool. 

It's ironic that I wanted to be home with Paige and now I am  and she's in school...I haven't seriously started to look for a new job yet. It's something I dread, I have had 1 interview in 10yrs(I didn't get the job). Although I have admin skills coming out the wazoo..... I am not sure what I can do. I am not good at selling  myself or  coming up with the right things to say.  Those that know me it sounds funny as I talk  a lot ! I am also going to be 43 in a week. Yikes!

Being home  brings it's own worries,  my finances  are not the same as they were. And sometimes I get bored, although  there are a million things I could be doing  or want to do I don't. Still with all this  I like  being  here for my family. 

So I will enjoy being home while I can....   

1 comment:

Angela said...

I 'ran' over as soon as I saw your new post, LOL..

sometimes I get bored, although there are a million things I could be doing or want to do I don't. ...totally relate..as I'm doing this right now, hense me on the computer and NOT doing the million things that I could be doing..