Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

When I was a little girl I loved my dolls.  I liked  Barbies but my baby dolls were my favourite. I played dolls until I was probably too old to be  playing dolls. Baby Chrissy and Sarah Nella were my favourites. My dolls were like real people to me. I dressed them,fed them  and  took care of them. I dreamed one day of having a baby girl of my own. I would call her Megan. I loved the name  because I thought  she can  be Meg, Megan, Meggie .... all nice nicknames. It was a nice name for a baby, little girl or adult. There decided now all I had to do was grow up get married and  have my Megan!

Many years later my dolls are in a box(yes, I still had them). My first baby was a boy he was cute and fun but I couldn't dress him in all the dresses....Then on January 26th 1990 my baby Megan was born. She was everything I had dreamed since a little girl. She was always dressed in pink or purple. Usually in a dress with little shoes. I changed her  like a doll.

As Megan  got older she just  got cuter. I had so much fun with her. she loved dolls as much as I did. We  would play house I was "grandma". Just like my dad did for me....I babysat the dolls. Megan's favourite doll was Suzie Stretch. Suzie  went everywhere with Megan. Suzie is no small
When Megan was 6 she had her first surgery on her leg. Suzie was able to to go where even mommy couldn't the OR. She went right into the operating room with her. Suzie  had a bike seat on the back of Megan's bike and Megan rode everywhere with her in the seat. Suzie wore Megan's clothes. Suzie is a secret keeper, listener and a sponge for tears at times. Santa  did did a great job in finding Megan a Suzie Stretch doll back in 1996.~Thank-you Santa

My little girl may live in her own apartment now but Suzie  still sits on a chair in her living room. I look forward to the day I am "grandma" again with Megan's own children. I know she will be a great mom one day. I am very proud of you Megan. I love you  more then all the books in the world !!
Happy Birthday , Love your Momma xo

1 comment:

Angela said...

Happy Birthday to this beautiful girl who has become a lady!!